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A graphic for the bilingual devised play I am directing exploring culture, gender, and identity: 「もし私があなただったら・If I Were You」(design by Nozomu Taguchi)

Japan, the US, and Theatre: Fostering Collaborations


In an increasingly interconnected world, we must learn to embrace an ever-expanding vision of theatre as not compartmentalized by language, culture, or region, but as one unified, yet infinitely diverse conversation in which all of humanity has the right to participate. Japan has much to offer the audiences and artists of the world, with theatrical traditions stretching back centuries, as well as modern innovations. As someone who has lived in Japan for over three years, speaks Japanese, has a degree in East Asian Studies, and has received an award from the CBS/SONY corporation for promise to foster future connections between the US and Japan, I am continuously taking action to foster adventurous collaborations between Western and Japanese theatre in which we learn to honor and celebrate each others' cultural diversity, artistic talents, and common humanity.

(Download Resume - Japanese)

Scholarly Work

Wolf, Gregory Kalim Darrell, "Emperors, Prostitutes, and Children: Exploring Modern Japanese History Through Two Modern Japanese Plays" (2017). Honors Theses. 394.

Participant in Japanese Performance Theory Workshop, 2017

University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Artistic Work

Director, "The Cherry in Bloom" by Betsuyaku Minoru, translated by Robert T. Rolf, Bucknell University Department of Theatre & Dance, Lewisburg, PA, USA 2017


Teaching Artist for Theatre Workshops, a-Step English Education Service and Voice Kobe Theatre Company, Kobe and Osaka, Japan, 2018-19

Director, 「もし私があなただったら・If I Were You」, Voice Kobe Theatre Company, Kobe, Japan, 2019

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